Our Musical Theater Program
Small casts and customized scripts ensure that all cast members are comfortably featured and challenged. Outgoing or shy, those with or without singing, dancing or acting experience, join a uniquely supportive community to develop their skills here at On Stage.
Whether 4 or 14, our actors experience the thrill of a stage production with costumes, microphones and accompanying scenery. Fifteen productions are produced each season and unique friendships are forged as casts return year after year. Join a cast and learn the transformative nature of our theater program. We have witnessed growth of our cast member’s confidence, courage and independence over and over again.
dance classes
Musical Theater Levels
Our musical theater program teaches vocal, dance, and acting skills in a creative, supportive, and FUN environment, culminating in stage performances for each level of study.
Introduction to Musical Theater Ages 3-6
Musical theater comes to life through a series of engaging scenes. This is a highly supportive environment for youngsters to develop their courage to act, sing and dance. The level of challenge fits the needs of the group so that this introduction to musical theater is a positive experience for all. An excellent choice to build self-confidence, discover talent, and learn if your child would enjoy musical theater. Each class will include acting, improvisational games, creative movement, singing and scanned rehearsals with costumes and props. The last class will have a presentation of their mini-show with scenes and songs on the last day of their class in the studio. This does not have a stage performance. Perfect for those wanting to get a sampling of musical theater but might be intimidated by being on stage in front of a large audience.
There are no auditions for this class. There are several choral scenes and lines are distributed to fit the comfort and skill level of the individuals in the class.
Just show up ready to have a fun experience!
Little Musical Theater 4-8 years old
Cast members learn a mini musical with all of the costumes, lights, microphones, and scenery. Everyone plays a role but they do not have the stress of having to memorize lines - many, however, do. Children will be prompted during the show if need be. Kids are not required to be able to read. This level is intended to be fun and age appropriate. They will have one performance on stage that is approximately 45 min long.
See a video of a portion of Disney's "Princess and the Frog"
We do not hold formal auditions in Little Theater. The process is low key and designed to be fun. As an introduction to the show they will be doing, cast members play acting games that invite them to pretend to be different characters, to speak using many different feelings, sing a line from a song, and to memorize one sentence and speak it. Teachers will invite anyone who wants to sing a song on their own a chance to do this, but it is not a requirement and there are plenty of other opportunities for us to get to know their talents if they would rather not sing alone. However, if you think singing a song on their own something your child would like to do, it is helpful for them to have a song in mind. Everyone will get a part whether they sing alone or not.
For those that can read, bring a printed script that has been emailed to you and have your parts highlighted. Play the music emailed to you as much as possible.
Youth Musical Theater 1st -5th Grade
Those in this cast have varied experience levels. Some have been in several previous productions, others are new to theater. Regardless of experience, all are challenged to develop their acting and singing skills, projection techniques, and memorization capabilities because every script is customized for each cast. Youth Musical Theater requires being able staying focused for longer periods of time than those in Little Musical Theater and lines and songs are memorized. Depending on the class offering, one or two performances on stage are planned that are about one hour in length.
See a mixed selection of videos of our casts
Auditions for this level are still very low key, however they are less imbedded in drama games. These actors will know they are auditioning but many come without any true preparation. It is helpful for cast members to have in mind one song they can sing. Everyone is asked to sing a part of a song by themselves without accompaniment and they read or repeat lines read to them. We give plenty of opportunities to get to know eveyone’s personalities and acting abilities. Some are naturally more inclined to play goofy, serious or sweet characters and by the end of day one we know this.
For those that can read, bring a printed script that has been emailed to you and have your parts highlighted. Play the music emailed to you as much as possible. Practice with and without words, especially if your child has a solo.
Tween-Teen Musical Theater 5th-9th Grade
This is a class for children who are ready for a much larger commitment. Cast members work on the development of character, accents, vocal techniques, presentation, and dance skills. These musicals include 10 or more songs with more challenging choreography. Actors are expected to come with solos memorized on days their piece is scheduled to be rehearsed. Two stage performances are always scheduled. with shows lasting about an hour and a half.
Auditions start getting more formal at this level. Each actor will be expected to bring a short song to sing by memory. Those shooting for major roles often have studied their character on-line by watching You Tube clips and have fully choreographed songs prepared for their audition. An accompaniment tape may be used or children may sing acapella (without music). Cast members are given lines from various scenes to read and act with to try out different roles.
Bring a printed script that has been emailed to you and have your parts highlighted. Download and practice the music emailed to you. If a schedule of scenes and song rehearsal dates has been provided actors are expected to learn lines and songs before coming to class. If your child doesn’t know his/her lines and songs before their scheduled time to block them, he/she will be holding up the entire play. It is very difficult for a child to learn movement and work on characterization if the lines and songs are unknown to that child.