We want to make sure everyone is aware that Alameda County is following the CDC Travel Recommendations which states the following for unvaccinated travelers (including campers under 12):
Pl Covid Prevention ProtocolsHand sanitation requirements: Hand sanitation: Upon entry and during any transition in the facility hands get sanitized. Each room has sanitizing station. Hands are washed before lunch and sanitized after. Mask Wearing: 1) All staff must wear masks. All staff is vaccinated. 2) All adult customers and children over 2 years must wear masks at all times. Health Screening: 1) At drop off, each child and adult have temperature taken, get observed for symptoms, and answer questions regarding their social distancing habits and if they have been exposed to anyone diagnosed or with symptoms Control of volume of people entering: 1) Children are dropped off outside. Social Distancing: 1) Signage indicates 6’ waiting distances when forming a line 2) Children have stations indicated where they can be if they do not want to wear their mask all other times, they are required to wear a mask 3) Station barriers for children to use when snacking or doing projects that don’t allow for distancing Sanitation of Facility 1) Regular surface sanitation 2) Restrooms are designated for each group of 12 and are sanitized hourly 3) Use of UV-C sanitizer lights in studio & gym room. 30 min treatments in each room. Ventilation We have Envirocare medical grade HEPA filter and UVC light units running at all times these filters filter out virus and bacteria. Camper Personal Belongings The only things that are allowed from home are lunch and a water bottle, and medications if needed. No cell phones, toys or anything else. Belongings are kept in isolated locations. Masks are worn at all times. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT THROUGH THIS CHALLENGING TIME |