2024 Fall Theater Schedule & Registration

Oakland Little Theater: Ages 4-8


Cast members learn a mini musical with all of the costumes, lights, microphones, and scenery. Everyone plays a role but they do not have the stress of having to memorize lines - many, however, do. Children will be prompted during the show if need be.  Kids are not required to be able to read. This level is intended to be fun and age appropriate. They will have one performance on stage that is approximately 45 min long. See full description. 


Show (scroll right)Spots AvailableDirectorSession LengthRehearsal Day/TimeDress Rehearsal Day/TimePerformance Date/sCost No Class
Snow WhiteFull waitlist onlyMaitlandAug. 17-Oct 26Sat. 9:00-9:5510/20 1:30-3:30 10/27 Sun 1:45pm$325.008/30
Snow WhiteFull waitlist onlyMaitlandAug. 17-Oct 26
Sat. 10:00-10:5510/22 4:00-6:0010/27 Sun 3:30pm$325.008/30
Snow WhiteFull waitlist onlyArielAug. 13-Oct 22
Tues.. 4:20-5:1010/19 2:00-4:00 10/26 Sat 4:30pm$325.00


Oakland Youth Theater:
1st - 5th  Grade

Mattress photo's 14

Those in this cast have varied experience levels.  Some have been in several previous productions, others are new to theater.  Regardless of experience, all are  challenged to develop their acting and singing skills, projection techniques, and memorization capabilities because every script is customized for each cast.  See full description.


ShowSpots AvailableDirectorSession LengthRehearsal Day/TimeDress Rehearsal Day/TimeFirst PerformanceSecond PerformanceNo classCost
Snow Whitefull waitlist onlyMaitlandAug 17-Oct 26Saturday 11:00-12:15Sat 10/19 5:00-7:00Fri 10/25 7:00pmSat 10/26 2:00pm$399
Aladdinfull waitlist onlyMaitlandAug 20-Nov 5Wednesdays 4:00-5:05Sat 11/2 1:30-3:30Sat 11/8 7:15pmSun 11/9 2:00pm$399
Youth theaterfull waitlist onlyMaitlandAug 20-Nov 5Wednesday 5:10-6:15Sat 11/2 4:00-6:00Sat 11/9 4:30pmSun 11/10 2:00pm$399

 Oakland Tween / Teen Theater:
3rd-7th or 6th - 10th Grade


This is a class for children who are ready for a much larger commitment. Cast members work on the development of character, accents, vocal techniques, presentation, and dance skills. These musicals include 10 or more songs with more challenging choreography.  Actors are expected to come with solos memorized... See full description.

ShowSpots AvailableDirectorSession LengthRehearsal Day/TimeDress Rehearsal Day/TimeFirst Performance 2nd PerformanceCostNo Class
Youth teen theaterFull waitlist onlyMaitland & KrisAug 15- 11/28 Tuesdays
Dec. 7 Saturday 1:30-3:30pmDec 7 Saturday 7:00pm
Dec 8 Sunday 11:00am $44511/26
Youth Tween theaterFull waitlist onlyKrisAug 17-Nov 30 Thursdays
11/17 Sunday 2-4:00Dec.6 Friday 7:15pm
Dec. 7 Sat 11:00am $445 11/28

ADULT Musical Theater

Our adult musical theater program launched when loyal families requested the option. After years of watching their kids on our stage, parents decided they wanted to trade places and have the stage experience for themselves.  Our first session was a wild success with two over-sold shows.  Back now for the second session, adults of all levels are welcome to join.

ShowSpots AvailableDirectorSession LengthRehearsal Day/TimeDress Rehearsal Day/TimeCast ACast BCost No Class
Guys and Dolls6 spots left
Kris & MaitlandAug 26-12/10Tues 6:30-8:30Sun 12/8 1:30-3:30
Sun 12/8 4:30-6:30
12/13 Friday 7:15pm 12/14 Sat. 2:00pm
12/14 Sat 6:00pm 12/15 Sun. 2:00pm$49911/26